We continue to pray for and about Latvia. I still believe that we will be moving there in January although the business of life in America has slowed down the preparation process. We need to communicate our vision and raise support to return. We are getting clearer vision about what we are called to do, and how we can use our gifts to penetrate the Latvian culture with the gospel: the keys are 1. Language, 2. Music, 3. Family.
- LANGUAGE. We speak Russian, we want to begin taking Latvian lessons when we return so that by the time summer comes we can share the Word of God in the language most people use and build more relationships with Latvians as well as Russians.
- MUSIC. I am called to minister through music, both to the Lord and to people. I believe the Lord loves the musical expression of his people to him. I hope to encourage other musicians to use their gifts for God's glory, form a praise band, record original Latvian praise songs and do outreach concerts in various places.
- FAMILY. Since God has called my family, we want to be used as an example of the kindness of Christ by showing hospitality and opening our home for fellowship, Bible study and prayer. Starting a home fellowship and having friends over is a good way to build the church in Latvia.
For these three ministries, we will need to raise monthly financial support: for language lessons, for music equipment, for rental of an adequate home for my family and home fellowship ministry. Would you support us financially? Checks can always be sent to Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay, 3001 Monterey-Salinas HwyMonterey, CA 93940. Just add a note that it is for our mission to Latvia.
Finally, prayer will help us to achieve our mission, may God help us become fluent in Latvian, may God be glorified through the music of His people and draw many to himself, may God make our family a shining example of being doers of His Word. Would you support us in your prayers?
Latvia is on the forefront of our minds and prayers - so much so that God is reminding me to seek His face alone first of all. I have to ask, "What are is God trying to say to me personally?" not just, "What about Latvia?" If we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, then everything we need will be added to us. We don't need to worry or be anxious about tomorrow. We are more valuable to Him than the birds or the lilies. (Mat 6) It's always best to fix our eyes on the Lord, the author and perfecter of our faith. So, what is the Lord speaking to you?