Listen to our podcast

30 October 2006

Why Latvia?

Calling. Because our Lord is specifically calling us to Latvia as missionaries, we must follow Him and preach His word as He leads. Matthew 28:18-19; Acts 16:9, 1Corinthians 9:16, 2Timothy 4:1-2
Compassion. Because our Savior is giving us compassion for the lost, we want to help them find Jesus. They need to hear the gospel. They also need churches where they can learn the Word of God and grow in their walks with Jesus Christ by the power of His Spirit. Jn 3:16, Act 2:47, Rom 1:16, Eph 4:15, 1Ptr 2:2, 2Ptr 3:18
Opportunity. Because God is opening the door, we can reach more Russian speakers in the former USSR. Christians in Latvia are inviting us to come and help plant churches. Our home church is willing to send us. Supporters like you make it possible.
Acts 1:8, Acts 13:1-3, Col 4:3, 1Cor 16:9, 2Cor 9:12, Rev 3:8