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17 May 2007

Yeats family helping us get started

The Yeats (pronounced Yates) have joined our Latvia mission team for a season. They are our dear friends who we co labored with in Calvary Chapel Nizhyn, Ukraine years back, After serving the Lord in Ukraine for several years, the Lord called them to serve in the poor country of Moldova where they have been ministering to a small fellowship and Steven has been pastoring. Well, they have had trouble getting visas to stay in Moldova year round, so we have the honor of hosting them for the next 3 months.

Steven and Teresa along with their 8 month old baby, Aiden, are living with us and we are all praying together, getting acquainted with the city of Ogre together and serving together. They are a huge help to us personally and in the ministry. We will have team prayer meetings every Monday night, Steven and I will go street witnessing together and will take turns preaching in the baptist church next door. I appreciate their help and counsel as we seek wisdom from God for his strategy for planting a Calvary style church here. Thank God for the Yeats.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys,
    Awesome to see you have arrived in Latvia and things are going well. Have not heard from the Bryans but let me know if the two of you decide to do a coffee ministry together.


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