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31 July 2006

Correction about Invitations

I also had an encourageing informative conversation about invitation letters with the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) couple who took the Pittsburg team to the airport. I said "I heard only the Jews, Orthodox, Catholic, Lutherns or Baptist Union are able to invite long term foreign missionaries. " They answered, "You have been misinformed. Accually any 'registered religous entity' [a church or organisation registered in Latvia] may write invitation letters. We have done it." YWAM Latvia usually only does it for other YWAM missionaries. But, they advised, develop a good trusting relationship with an existing church that may write the invitation letter. I asked, "Would it be better if it was in the same town we would live in?" Answer: Yes because you might run into problems if you ministered in a city that was different then the one you were invited to. However, we will be asked, "Why Riga?" Is it because it's more comfortable than the villages? What about many towns and villages in Latvia where there is just an old Baptist church or Orthodox church, if they want a another kind of church, it's too far and expensive to travel to Riga." They challenged us, "Pray about going outside of Riga". I told her, "we will pray and look into other places, but in the end we have to go where God leads us." So far we are drawn to Riga because there are a million people here out of the 2.5 Million in the whole country of Latvia.

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