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12 May 2007

Jet lag

Hey all,
We made it to Latvia but we are suffering from jet lag, so we are all extremely exhausted and would appreciate your prayers for rest and health. I will write more about what we are doing soon but for now the theme verse in my heart is "Seek first His kindom and all these things shall be added unto you." from Matthew 6.

Thanks so much for your prayers. - Brenten, Lena, Caleb and Lily

1 comment:

  1. Hey you guys! Welcome back to Eastern Europe! Glad to have you...although I guess technically I am in CENTRAL Eastern Europe...whatever! :) We aren't far, are we? Well, I doubt you can go travelling yet, but when you can I have a big double bed and lots of room (for me AND all of you guys!) and would love to have you visit beautiful Prague! Praying for you! :)


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