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16 August 2008

Monterey Mission to Latvia in Pictures

Thanks for sending the evangelism team. Mitch, Dennis and Frank were a big help and encouragement to our family and the church here. I hope they can share at CCMB what God did in these 2 weeks. Thousands recieved tracts, hundreds heard the gospel, many eyes were opened to the need for Christ. Who knows how many went home and called upon the Lord to be saved. I hope to see a few in church soon and you will probably meet several more in heaven. PTL


  1. Hi Brenten and Lena,
    we just enjoyed some great fellowship with Paul and Gretchen and their cute kids in our home, from 7-9 Sept.! Now, we just need to meet you!!
    What do the locks signify that are being placed on the bridge (in your slide show?) Really curious!
    In our hearts and prayers, Linda & John Owen

  2. Linda, thanks for the comment and question about the photo of locks on the bridge.

    Latvians have a tradition, when a couple gets married they inscribe their names on a lock, lock it to the railing of a local bridge and then throw the key into the water below. This symbolizes their commitment in their wedding vows, it's public and permanent. It's a beautiful idea. You'd think the locks would pile up over the years, but I guess someone goes and cuts the locks once a year to make room for next year's locks. For some this is closer to reality in Latvia (as in America) there are many broken families.


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