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05 April 2008

Memories from Ukraine 2004

Here's a video I made in 2004 when we were missionaries in Ukraine. When we don't feel like we are making that much of a difference, it gives us hope to look back and see the fruit of changed lives. O how we desire to see God pouring out His Spirit in Latvia too. Although Latvia and Ukraine share a communist past, their cultures and spiritual openness are quite different. I believe God used our time in Ukraine to prepare us for Latvia but it is also evident that it's a unique situation here which keeps us praying that we will be lead by His Spirit not just trying to repeat past victories.


  1. Brenten and Lena,
    John and I were really blessed by your Ukraine video, especially since our "little girl," Hope, served there with you!
    But we really want to encourage you right where you are! You have begun a work where, it seems, Christ has not yet been preached, and where you're not 'building on another man's foundation.' As a gardener, I can say, it's much easier to plant seeds and enjoy a harvest where the ground has already been plowed, tilled, and prepared. It's much more difficult when the ground is hard, full of grass, stone, and comfortable just as it is :-) So a lot of your work is just "breaking up the fallow ground."
    Also, as presumably more 'advanced' Christians (ha!), my husband and I have had a lot of ups and downs and often look back and wonder what fruit we have to 'show' for our days on this earth. But only the Lord can really judge that. He sees in secret, He judges the thoughts and intents of the heart, He blesses the widow's mite.... So our human judgement or value we place on time and effort cannot begin to line up with God's. His ways are higher, His thoughts greater, His ways beyond knowing.
    So please, be encouraged NOT to look at things that are seen--but seek Him for the things that are unseen, such as the hidden person and qualities of the heart, the fruit of the spirit, attitudes, etc. Not to say you're not doing this! But trust God with the harvest. You are labouring for Him and He is the Lord of the harvest!
    Who knows, maybe someday, if God wills, we could visit and help tend, water, or harvest with you! In the meantime, you're in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love, John and Linda Owen

  2. Linda, thank you for your comments. They echo the prophecies that I would say are being fulfilled about God calling us to be ground breakers. It's hard work and we have to have patience for that future time of harvest, like we saw in Nizhyn. By the way, I just posted the Nizhyn video on my blog too. It was a great chapter in our lives to serve with the team there, including your daughter Hope. Thanks for your prayers, Linda!


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