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22 July 2008

Vacation Bible School

This is our second year doing VBS in Ogre with a team from Tennessee. I have been the music guy as well as overseeing all the translators. The first two days went well, setting a foundation of who Jesus is, we are praying that the kids will continue to be receptive in the last three days as we challenge them with the rest of the gospel, calling them to become disciples of Jesus Christ.


  1. I have a heart for Russia too. We adopted our little girl from Russia several years ago and we are filled with joy.

    We also attend a Calvary Chapel in our area.

    I just stopped by to say hello!


  2. Thank you for your nice comment. You know that Latvia is not Russia though right? Although it was part of the Soviet Union and many Russians moved to Latvia, and many still live here speaking Latvian, Latvia is an independant country with it's own language.
    How did you find our blog? I like your family blog, with all the pictures, music and all. It gives me some ideas for improving mine.
    May God bless you and your family and Calvary Chapel in Arizona. And feel free to link to our blog and tell others about us. (:

  3. I just stopping in to say I miss being there with Ogre , I thank your family for everything you done for our mission team , we love you all ,God bless each of you
    Christ'yal from Jamestown , Tn


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