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28 December 2007

Paul Washer's Shocking Message - Is it true?

If you are concerned about anyones salvation, I think this message is worth watching and discussing. Paul Washer preaches to a youth evangelism conference from Matthew 7:13-27. Do you think the way he interprets it is true? Let me know in the survey on the left or leave a comment to this post.

2 Corinthians 13:5 NASB Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?

25 December 2007

Merry Christmas from Latvia

May God bless you all as you celebrate the first coming of Christ, and as you eagerly await His glorious second coming.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
1 John 2:28 Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming.
We are enjoying this Christmas in Latvia along with our brothers and sisters in Christ here. Christmas eve, I led a choir in English, Russian and Latvian Carols at the Lutherin Cathedral in front of 70 people. I made many mistakes but I think Christ was glorified. We enjoyed Christmas day with our kids, opening presents and eating Jesus' birthday cake. Caleb gave Jesus a place at the table with a peice of cake, but concluded Jesus wasn't hungry for it yet. It was a simple family day but we were all content and thankful to God for the most precious gift of His Son.

We gave Lily this stuffed dog.

We read kid's books recieved from relatives.

Caleb played with his remote control truck.

Dreams of a white christmas come true.

13 December 2007

Pray for Ikšķile

Wednesday night I went to a prayer meeting in Ikskile, Latvia with Dainis, his wife (Liena) and her mom who built this sanctuary attached to her house. She has been praying for 10 years for a church to be formed in Ikskile and in faith remodeled her green house into a sanctuary that can seat 40 people. Ikskile is a growing city of 7,000 people, situated in the Ogre region, only 28 kilometers from Riga, the capitol of Latvia. Ikskile is the oldest city in Latvia and is the first place that Christianity reached over 800 years ago. Today the only evangelical church is the Lutherin church and the Catholics are building a women's monastery.

Those at the meeting attend a Latvian speaking church in Ogre on Sundays but all agree that their city needs a church that teaches the Word of God. I will share more later about the meeting and these believers, but for now I can say that the Lord seems to be opening a door in this city for us to start a Bible study there in the near future.
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02 December 2007

Wretched man that I am

Above is a picture I drew Saturday night while meditating on Romans 7 and listening to MP3 sermons from my favorite teachers (Bill Holdridge, Chuck Smith, Roger Scalice, Steve Gregg). Blessed is the man who meditates on the law of the Lord day and night. (Psalm 1:2)

Romans 7 describes our relationship to the law. Believers in Christ are reminded that we are not under the law anymore. How did we get out from under it's demands? We died with Christ. and just as a marriage is until death do you part, we have parted from the law so that we can be joined to Christ, as to a better husband. This doesn't mean that we can sin all we want, quite the opposite, we won't want to sin, because we have been changed by God's grace. Under grace He personally works in us both to will and to do according to His good pleasure. Some points are hard to grasp but we can all relate to the honest struggle Paul describes that we have between our flesh and our spirit. But when we come to the end of our self righteousness and stop using the law to become righteous we look outside of our selves and find hope in our Savior. "Oh wretched man that I am, who can deliver me from this body of death? Thank God for Jesus!" The law did it's job in condemning me and leading me to my Savior, so I am no longer under the law, but under Christ, who is the solution for the problem of my sin and flesh. He has justified me, He is sanctifying me, and one day he will give me a glorified body. Praise God for his redemption!

30 November 2007

December prayer requests

  1. For our family's continued good health and safety during the winter (it is freezing).
  2. For Brenten's Russian Bible studies (at Ogres evangelical church) that God's Spirit would continue to work through His word in the hearts of His people. Pray that they would become more grounded in the Scriptures and grow deeper in love with Jesus.
  3. For open doors for another Bible Study in a nearby city, for confirmation about where He wants us to plant Calvary Chapel in Latvia.
  4. For more effectiveness in evangelism, that more people would be changed by the power of God in the gospel.
  5. For a CCMB trip to Latvia, that God would lead a team and prepare them to help us evangelize next summer.

18 November 2007

Happy Independance Day

We had a great view of the fireworks in Ogre on Latvian Independance Day (November 18). On this video you will hear Caleb sing happy birthday to Latvia. I also added the official national anthem of Latvia which would translate to "God bless Latvia". After the show, Caleb said, "I like living in Latvia." So, happy independance day and may God bless Latvia! Amen.

17 November 2007

Romans Bible Study

We are continuing to study Romans on Sunday mornings. Next we will look at Romans 6:15-23. You can see the transparency above, contrasting living under the law and living under grace. I haven't had time to post new devotional videos lately (it takes time to prep, film, edit, translate, subtitle, finalize and upload), but I do hope to continue overviewing Romans for our blog readers. . . .
In an effort to improve this blog, I am experimenting with linking scripture references to so if you move the mouse over the link you should see the scripture. Try it here (John 3:16).

12 November 2007

Elles lielākais noslēpums (Hell's Best Kept Secret)

We had Ray Comfort's message "Hells Best Kept Secret" translated into Latvian in order to equip believers here to share the gospel with us. Below is the opening paragraph and a link to the document. Neither English or Latvian are copyrighted, so feel free to share it with anyone you think would benifit.

Septiņdesmito gadu beigās, Dievs Savā žēlastībā atvēra man ceļojošu kalpošanu. Kad sāku braukāt, es atklāju, ka man ir pieejami materiāli par draudžu augšanu; šausmās es atklāju, ka kādi 80 līdz 90% no cilvēkiem, kas bija apņēmušies dzīvot Kristum, vēlāk atkrita no ticības. Tā sakot, modernā evaņģelizācija ar savām metodēm katriem 80 līdz 90 no simts lēmumiem priekš Kristus liek būt par atkritējiem.
Pastāstīšu jums vēl vairāk. 1991. gadā, ražas desmitgades pirmajā gadā, lielākajā konfesijā ASV tika pieņemti 294 000 lēmumi atdot dzīvi Kristum. Vienā gadā šajā lielākajā konfesijā, pie kuras piederēja 11 500 draudzes, tika pieņemti 294 000 lēmumi atdot dzīvi Kristum. Diemžēl vēlāk dievkalpojumos varēja sastapt tikai 14 000, tas nozīmē, ka par pārējiem 280 000 nekas nebija zināms; un šāds ir normāls modernās evaņģelizācijas iznākums, ko es atklāju septiņdesmito gadu beigās un kas mani tiešām uztrauca. Es sāku īpaši studēt Pāvila vēstuli Romiešiem, un it īpaši, kā evaņģēliju sludināja tādi cilvēki kā Spērdžens, Veslijs, Mūdijs, Finijs, Vitfīlds, Luters, un citi, ko Dievs lietoja vēl daudz vēlāk, un es atklāju, ka viņi izmantoja kādu principu, ko modernā evaņģelizācija gandrīz pilnībā atmet. Es sāku mācīt šo principu. Mani uzaicināja uz mūsu kalpošanas centru Dienvidkalifornijā Belflaueras pilsētā, lai es īpaši šai draudzei mācītu šo principu. Tad uz kādiem trīs gadiem viss bija noklusis, līdz es saņēmu telefona zvanu no Bila Gotharda, kas šo mācību bija redzējis video ierakstā. Viņš man noorganizēja lidojumu uz San Hosē Ziemeļkalifornijā, es tur runāju tūkstotim mācītāju. Tad 1992. gadā viņš video ierakstu parādīja 30 000 mācītājiem. Togad man piezvanīja Deivids Vilkersons no Ņujorkas. Viņš zvanīja no savas mašīnas. (Viņš braucot bija klausījies šo mācību un zvanīja no sava auto telefona.) Nekavējoties viņš mani uzaicināja no Losandželosas un 3000 jūdžu attālo Ņujorku, lai es nolasītu stundu garo mācību viņa draudzē, viņš to uzskatīja par tik svarīgu. Un nesen es dzirdēju, ka kāds mācītājs šo ierakstu kasetē bija noklausījies 250 reizes. Es ļoti priecātos, ja tu noklausītos kaut vienreiz šo mācību, kas saucas „Elles lielākais noslēpums”. vairāk

08 November 2007

There is Snow in Latvia

This is the day that Caleb has been waiting for the last 2 years. Finally, a chance to throw snowballs at Daddy. And there was enough snow on the ground to build a snowman and make snow angels.

We also went for a drive to the near by town of Ikskile. We are praying about starting a Bible study there too. There are many private houses in Ikskile (as opposed to apartment buildings).
And we found a nice park for the kids. And don't forget Lily, not as excited to be out in the cold, but she still enjoyed getting out.

07 November 2007

October 31 Alternative

What is there for kids to do on October 31 in Latvia?
  1. Get dressed as the dead and go out with friends to get candy or do pranks on people.
  2. Nothing. Sit at home and be bothered by mobs coming to your door.
  3. Or, celebrate good instead of evil at the missionaries house: free food, lots of candy, Christian music, fun and games.
The Bible says, "Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21) And "Flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart." (2 Timothy 2:2) So, we decided to host an alternative to Halloween for the kids from our childrens ministry, we called it "Reformation Day" and we explained how Martin Luther was a Christian who changed history by challenging evil in his generation and stood up for good. We encouraged the kids to glorify God not the devil and to celebrate life not death and to seek good not evil.

We provided Hot dogs, chips, cola and plenty of candy so that they wouldn't be tempted to go trick or treating. Our games included a pinjata, Uno, guess how many M&M's are in a jar, bobbing for apples and who could make their balloons stick to the ceiling after rubbing it on your head and finally. We connected our camera to a monitor so they could see themselves dance along with the David Crowder Band, singing "Your a Revolutionary Love" and "O Praise Him" and now we have this action packed video to show you:

October 31 Reformation Fun

04 November 2007

Sunday Services

We had a full service (about 45 people) at the Russian church at 10 am and I taught from Romans 5:12-21. It was a difficult passage to teach in Russian but they everyone was gracious and said they understood in spite of my many grammatical mistakes and bad pronunciation of the long unusual words in the text. Where mistakes abound, grace abounds much more and I am growing through the whole process - hopefully others are truly growing in their faith too.

Our evening home fellowship went very well, 4 people came this time, praise the Lord. This was a great opportunity to share our vision for church planting from Acts 2:42, Ephesians 4:11ff, 1Peter 2:2, and other verses. I taught in Russian and we had a good time praising the Lord in English. Next time I hope to be prepared to sing in Latvian too.

03 November 2007

November Thanksgiving and Prayer

Here is an update for the missions prayer teams:
  1. Thank God for providing a minivan that enables us to go preach the gospel in other cities. Pray for the people in Ogre, Cesis and Riga who received tracts and heard the gospel, that God would open their minds and hearts to respond.
  2. Thank God for the excitement of understandng more and more in both Latvian and Russian languages. Brenten is now teaching Sunday morning without a traslator. Continue to pray for a translator but pray even more that we will become fluent in both languages - this is vital for everything we do.
  3. Thank God for the gifts from CCMB which came early for Christmas but just in time for the cold season (it started snowing today!) We are blessed to be warm, well fed and our ears filled with the sounds of new praise and worship CD's. God is so gracious!
  4. Thank God for working here and giving us hope that He is going to do much more than we can ask or imagine! (Eph 3:20) Pray as the Spirit leads you for Latvia.
"Continue earnestly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak." (Colossians 4:2-4)

28 October 2007

Fall Update

Our fall newsletter is now available at
for anyone that missed it in the mail or are new to our mission. This was our introductory printed newsletter, it was meant to keep supporters in the loop who don't check our blog and want a 1 page overview. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, please email us at "brentenlena" then the @ sign and lastly gmail dot com.

27 October 2007


Calvary Chapel has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such, only to their over-emphasis of the doctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body of Christ.

  • We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ's Agape love, which is greater than any differences we possess and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians.
  • We believe worship of God should be spiritual. Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship.
  • We believe worship of God should be inspirational. Therefore, we give great place to music in our worship.
  • We believe worship of God should be intelligent. Therefore, our services are designed with great emphasis upon the teaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He should be worshipped.
  • We believe worship of God should be fruitful. Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the supreme manifestation that we have truly been worshipping Him.
  • We believe in all the basic doctrines of historic Christianity.
  • We believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, that the Bible, Old and New Testaments are the inspired, infallible Word of God.
  • We believe that God is eternally existent in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that God is the personal, transcendent, and sovereign Creator of all things.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human, that He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, provided for the atonement of our sins by His substitutionary death on the cross, was bodily raised from the dead, ascended back to the right hand of the Father, and ever lives to make intercession for us.
  • We believe in the personal, visible, and pre-millennial second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. He will return with His saints and set up a kingdom of which there will be no end.
    After Jesus ascended to Heaven, He poured out His Holy Spirit on the believers in Jerusalem, enabling them to fulfill His command to preach the Gospel to the entire world, an obligation shared by all believers today.
  • We believe that all people are, by nature, separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord.
  • We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Scriptures, and that they are valid for today if they are exercised within the scriptural guidelines. We as believers are to covet the best gifts, seeking to exercise them in love that the whole Body of Christ might be edified. We believe that love is more important than the most spectacular gifts, and without this love all exercise of spiritual gifts is worthless.


Golgātas Bībeles draudze ir veidota kā ticīgo sadraudzība Kungā Jēzū Kristū. Mūsu lielākā vēlme ir pazīt Kristu un būt pārveidotiem Viņa līdzībā ar Svētā Gara spēku. Mēs nepiederam ne pie vienas no konfesijām, bet arī nenoliedzam nevienu konfesiju, esam tikai pret pārspīlētajām atšķirībām doktrīnās, kas ir novedis pie Kristus Miesas šķelšanās.

  • Mēs ticam, ka vienīgais patiesais pamats kristiešu sadraudzībai ir Kristus pilnīgā agapes mīlestība, kas ir pārāka par jebkurām mūsu atšķirībām, bez tās mēs neesam tiesīgi saukties kristieši.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Dieva pielūgsmei jābūt garīgai. Tāpēc mēs paliekam pakļāvīgi un padodamies Svētā Gara vadībai mūsu pielūgsmē.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Dieva pielūgsmei jābūt iedvesmojošai. Tāpēc savā pielūgsmē mēs piešķiram lielu nozīmi mūzikai.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Dieva pielūgsmei jābūt gudrai. Tāpēc mūsu dievkalpojumos ir uzsvērta Dieva Vārda mācīšanas nozīme, lai Viņš varētu mums parādīt, kā mums slavēt un pielūgt.
    Mēs ticam, ka Dieva pielūgsmei jābūt auglīgai. Tāpēc mēs meklējam Viņa mīlestību savā dzīvē kā visaugstāko pierādījumu tam, ka esam Viņu patiesi pielūguši.
  • Mēs ticam visām galvenajām vēsturiskās kristietības doktrīnām.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Svētie Raksti ir pilnīgi nekļūdīgi, ka Bībele, Vecā un Jaunā derība ir iedvesmots nemaldīgs Dieva Vārds.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Dievs ir mūžīgs trīs atsevišķās personās: Tēvs, Dēls un Svētais Gars.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Dievs ir personisks, pārāks un suverēns visu lietu Radītājs.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Jēzus Kristus pilnībā ir Dievs un pilnībā cilvēks, dzimis jaunavai, dzīvojis bezgrēcīgu dzīvi, nācis, lai izpirktu mūsu grēkus, nomirstot mūsu vietā pie krusta, miesā augšāmcēlies, pacēlies atpakaļ pie Tēva labās rokas un dzīvo mūžīgi, sagatavojot mums vietu.
  • Mēs ticam, ka būs otrreizēja personiska un redzama Jēzus Kristus atnākšana uz zemi, pirms Viņa tūkstoš gadu valdīšanas. Viņš atgriezīsies ar Saviem svētajiem un nodibinās valstību, kurai nebūs gala.
    Pēc tam, kad Jēzus pacēlās uz Debesīm, Viņš izlēja Savu Svēto Garu uz ticīgajiem Jeruzālemē, dodot tiem spēju piepildīt Viņa pavēli sludināt evaņģēliju visai pasaulei, kas arī ir pienākums visiem ticīgajiem mūsdienās.
  • Mēs ticam, ka visi cilvēki no dabas ir atšķirti no Dieva un atbildīgi paši par saviem grēkiem, bet pestīšana un piedošana tiek dāvāta par brīvu visiem mūsu Kunga Jēzus Kristus žēlastībā. Kad cilvēks nožēlo grēkus un pieņem Jēzu Kristu kā personīgo Pestītāju un Kungu, paļaudamies uz Viņu, tāds cilvēks tūlīt atdzimst no jauna un ir Svētā Gara apzīmogots, visi viņa/ viņas grēki ir piedoti, un cilvēks kļūst par Dieva bērnu un pavadīs mūžību kopā ar To Kungu.
  • Mēs ticam, ka Svētā Gara augļi, kas pieminēti Svētajos Rakstos, pastāv arī šodien, ja tos praktizē, vadoties no pamācībām Rakstos. Mums kā ticīgajiem jāiekāro labākie augļi un jācenšas tos pielietot mīlestībā, lai tie varētu kalpot par pamācību visai Kristus miesai. Mēs ticam, ka mīlestība ir svarīgāka par visbrīnišķīgākajiem talantiem, un bez mīlestības visas garīgās dāvanas ir nevērtīgas.

Церковь Голгофы была образована как община верующих в Господство Иисуса Христа. Наше главнейшее желание - познать Иисуса Христа и быть преображенными в Его образ силою Святого Духа. Мы не принадлежим к какой-либо из деноминаций и не выступаем против деноминаций как таковых. Однако, мы не поддерживаем их чрезмерного ударения на доктринальных различиях, что привело к разделению Тела Христова.

  • Мы верим, что единственной истинной основой христианского общения является совершенная любовь Христа. Его любовь превыше всяких наших различий, без нее мы не имеем права называть себя христианами.
  • Мы верим, что поклонение Богу должно быть духовным, поэтому продолжаем быть податливыми и покорными ведению Святого Духа в направлении нашего поклонения.
  • Мы верим, что поклонение Богу должно быть вдохновенным, поэтому в нашем поклонении мы уделяем большое место музыке.
  • Мы верим, что поклонение Богу должно быть осмысленным, поэтому на наших служениях делаем сильное ударение на преподавании Слова Божьего, дабы Бог учил нас тому, как Ему дόлжно поклоняться.
  • Мы верим, что поклонение Богу должно быть плодотворным, поэтому в наших жизнях мы ищем Его любви как величайшего проявления того, что мы истинно поклоняемся Ему.
  • Мы верим во все основные доктрины исторического Христианства.
  • Мы верим в непогрешимость Писания, в то, что Библия, Ветхий и Новый Заветы являются вдохновенным безошибочным Словом Божьим.
  • Мы верим, что Бог вечно существует в трех отдельных личностях: Отце, Сыне и Святом Духе.
  • Мы верим, что Бог - личностный превосходнейший и суверенный Творец всего.
  • Мы верим, что Иисус Христос является полностью человеком и полностью Богом, рожден от Девы, прожил безгрешную жизнь и обеспечил искупление наших грехов через Свою заместительную смерть на кресте, был телесно воскрешен из мертвых, вознесся вновь по правую руку Отца и вечно живет чтобы ходатайствовать за нас.
  • Мы верим во второе личное видимое пришествие Иисуса Христа на Землю, предшествующее Его тысячелетнему правлению. Он возвратится со Своими святыми и установит царство, которому не будет конца.
    После вознесения на небеса, Иисус излил Свой Дух Святой на верующих в Иерусалиме, наделив их силою проповедовать Евангелие всему миру, обязательство, относящееся ко всем верующим в наши дни.
  • Мы верим, что все люди по своей природе отделены от Бога и несут ответственность за свой собственный грех, однако же спасение, искупление и прощение безвозмездно предложены всем по благодати нашего Господа Иисуса Христа. Когда человек раскаивается в грехе и принимает Иисуса Христа как личного Спасителя и Господа, доверяя Ему во спасении, такой человек тотчас же рождается свыше и запечатлевается Святым Духом, все его грехи прощены, он становится дитём Божьим, предопределенным провести вечность с Господом.
  • Мы верим в дары Святого Духа, упомянутые в Писании, и в то, что они действительны в наши дни, если они используются в библейских рамках. Как верующим, нам следует желать наилучших даров, стремясь применять их в любви, так, чтобы все Тело Христово назидалось. Мы верим, что любовь важнее самых зрелищных даров, и без такой любви всякое использование духовных даров тщетно.

Cesis Outreach

  • Brenten is fully equipped for the outreach with a guitar, Bible, tracts, sandwich and the rest of the armor of God (especially the sheild of faith, belt of truth, sword of the Spirit and feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace and the rest the armor of God, etc).

  • A tour guide I talked with in Latvian, English and Russian. She was really friendly and the most open person I met. Many people here think that they are Christians because they were baptised as a baby, they don't think anything else is necessary. I was able to share how we are saved by faith in Christ and our faith should be based on God's word not traditions. Believing in God means more than just thinking He exists, but actually trusting His word as the truth and building our life upon it. I gave her a tract and our family prayer card and encouraged her to read the Bible to see if what I said was true.

  • I also had the opportunity to climb to the top of the bell tower of an 800 year old Cathedral. However instead of chiming the bells every 15 minutes, there was a speaker system that played a recording of a bell.

  • After this trip, I am really glad that I stepped out in faith and obedience. I think God is teaching me not to try to repeat my past experiences but to let Him lead in new and unique ways. I learned that God can use me even if I don't have a translator or another evangelist with me. One time Jesus sent his disciples out 2 by 2 and that is a good principle, but if no one else can be found, God can use just one man who will go in His name. I was not alone - He was with me. And I will trust Him to be with me in the future.

24 October 2007

Cesis Photos 2

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Cesis Photos

Here are some pictures from our family trip to Cesis, this is the the center or old part of town. I was impressed by all the people walking through and the feel of the city.

There was a giant statue of Lenin that was taken down after the fall of the USSR, the statue is now laying down in a coffin like box near St. Johns cathedral. Lenin is dead as far as Latvians are concerned.

23 October 2007

Saying "Cheese" in Cesis, Latvia

We took a lovely trip as a family to the old city of Cesis (pronounced "Tsesis"). It was fun to explore the beauty as the golden leaves fell. There are so many people walking around the city center and I hope to return there on an outreach this week while students are on fall vacation.

20 October 2007

Family Hike in Ligatne

Once a week, we take drive to another city to explore Latvia, spend time together as a family and get more vision for the rest of the country. Here is a music video from our walk in Ligatne National Park. I am singing "Father, I worship you" in Russian.

minute in ligatne.wmv

14 October 2007

Romiešiem 1:18-32 Latviski

Sveiki! Šīs nedēļas Bībeles studija ir no vēstules romiešiem, 1. nodaļas 18. – 32. panti. Pāvils sāk pierādīt, ka evaņģēlijs ir nepieciešams visiem cilvēkiem, īpaši šajā nodaļā, tiek runāts par citām tautām. Viņš sāk ar 18. pantu: „Jo Dieva dusmība no debesīm parādās pār visu cilvēku bezdievību un netaisnību, kas savā netaisnībā apslāpē patiesību.” 1:19 „Jo, ko par Dievu var zināt, tas viņiem ir atklāts: Dievs pats viņiem to atklājis.” 1:20 „Kopš pasaules radīšanas Viņa neredzamās īpašības, gan Viņa mūžīgais spēks, gan Viņa dievišķība, ir skaidri saredzamas Viņa darbos, tāpēc viņiem nav ar ko aizbildināties.”

Evaņģēlijs ir nepieciešams tādēļ, ka cilvēki nevar izglābt paši sevi, tiem viņu grēkiem nav attaisnojuma. Tādēļ visām tautām ir nepieciešams evaņģēlijs. Jo visi cilvēki ir pelnījuši nonākt ellē. Ir teikts: Dieva dusmība no debesīm parādās. Debesis daudzina Dieva godu, teikts Psalmos 19:1. „Bet bezprāši saka savā sirdī: Dieva nav.” Psalmi 14:1. Uzskatot paši sevi par gudriem, viņi palika nelgas, Bībelē ir teikts. Šeit, vēstulē romiešiem, viņi saka: ak, es zinu visu par Dievu, bet es Viņam neticu, es ticu pats sev, vai vispār cilvēkiem. Viņi apmaina nevainojamā Dieva varenību pret cilvēku kļūdīgo attēlu. Ja viņi zina, ka Dievs ir, bet apspiež sevī patiesību par Viņu, ja tie negodā Viņu, nepateicas Viņam, tad tie sāk pielūgt kaut ko citu, jo cilvēks ir radīts, lai pielūgtu. Ja tu nepielūgsi Dievu, tu atradīsi kaut ko zemāku, ko pielūgt. Un tu pats sāksi līdzināties tam, ko pielūdz. Tāpat notiek, ja tava pielūgsme veltīta cilvēku attēlam. Attēls ir zemāks par tevi pašu, attēls nespēj redzēt vai dzirdēt, tas nevar arī sevi pacelt. Tad arī cilvēks kļūst garīgi akls, garīgi kurls, un nav neviena, kas viņu paceltu.

Dieva sods visām tautām ir taisnīgs. Ne dēļ viņu nezināšanas, bet dēļ viņu grēkiem. Viņi zina, ka ir nogalināt nav pareizi. Bet tik un tā viņi to dara. Ja kāds nav nogalinājis, tad viņš noteikti kādreiz ir samelojis, un viņi zina, ka melot nav pareizi. Es gribu teikt, ka ikvienam ir kādas morāles normas, bet tomēr cilvēki neievēro pat paši savas morāles normas. Desmit baušļos Dievs ir devis mums Savas normas. Un šīs normas ir ideālas. Ja Dieva baušļi tiek pārkāpti, sods par to ir nāve. Nodaļas beigās, 32. pantā teikts: „Pazīdami Dieva taisnību, ka tie, kas tādas lietas dara, ir pelnījuši nāvi, viņi tomēr ne vien paši tā dara, bet vēl priecājas par tiem, kas tā dzīvo.” Nekas nevar padarīt par nebijušām tavas kļūdas, kā tikai Jēzus asinis, tāpēc evaņģēlijs ir nepieciešams. Darot labus darbus, tu nevari izdzēst savus sliktos darbus. Tavi sliktie darbi joprojām liecina pret tevi. Jēkabā vēstulē ir teikts: ja tu esi pārkāpis tikai vienu bausli, tu esi noziedzies pret visiem. (Jēkaba 2:10) Ja tu melo, tātad tu esi melis. Kā sauc cilvēku, kas melo? Melis. Vai tu esi melojis? Jā. Kas tu esi? Melis. Tava sirdsapziņa liecina, ka tā ir patiesība. Ja cilvēki izslēdz savu sirdsapziņu, ja viņi vairs tajā neklausās, tas ir kā briesmu signāls, kad tas sāk signalizēt un vērst tavu uzmanību: kaut kas nav tā, kā vajag. Bet kad tu izslēdz savu sirdsapziņu un tajā vairs neklausies, tu ļauj savai sirdsapziņai nocietināties, jeb ja pašu sirdsapziņa ar kauna zīmi iededzināta (1. Timotejam 4:2) un tad tu sāc dzīvot saskaņā ar savu grēcīgo dabu. Šeit mēs varam runāt par pagānu nosodījumu un tāpēc ir nepieciešams evaņģēlijs. Šeit Pāvils mums stāsta evaņģēlija nepieciešamību, pirms viņš vairāk izskaidro par pašu evaņģēliju. Ļoti gaidu, kad mēs varēsim vairāk uzzināt par evaņģēliju. Nākošajā reizē mēs runāsim par to, cik svarīgi reliģiskam cilvēkam dzirdēt evaņģēliju un ka evaņģēlijs ir Dieva spēks pestīšanai jūdiem un arī citām tautām, Es ceru, ka dzirdētais ir jūs iedrošinājis, un uz tikšanos nākošnedēļ!

28 September 2007

Seasons Change

"Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."
We took this picture for our fall newsletter that we are working on. We will to send it to our supporters soon. They have been very patient because we haven't been sending monthly printed newsletters as we intended. Thank you for being faithful to sacrifice your time and resources in prayer and support as we devote our time and family to winning souls for eternity. May God reward you with eternal rewards!
"He is no fool gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
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26 September 2007

New Prayer Requests

Thanks to those that pray for us, we need it. Please pray for the following:

1. For our devotion to God's word and prayer. I was convicted of my need to study the Bible for myself (not just in order to teach someone else) so I started in the beginning again, I plan to go through the whole Bible in chronological order this time, God has been renewing my focus in Him through my morning times. Lena continues to have her daily devos during the kids naps.
2. For our family, that the Lord would bless and use us together. We want to walk in the light and be a bright light to this country. Tuesdays we are visiting different cities as a family, It's nice to get out of Ogre sometimes and to get vision for outreaches in other towns. Pray that Lena and I keep connecting on all levels and be supportive companions.
3. For a Latvian/English/Russian translator to help with outreach, bible studies, website. Zane is still unsure if this is for her. Pray that whoever the Lord wants to serve with us in church planting will have a clear call from Him. We are still taking Latvian lessons, but without a translator we are limited in what we can say.
4. For Brenten's ministry. I am teaching through the book of Romans Sunday morning about 30 people are coming, even though the senior pastor is in the States for 6 weeks, I am in charge while he is gone and will continue to teach there until I finish Romans. We hope that our Russian speaking brothers and sisters will grow in the grace of God and be prepared to take over more ministry responsibility when the Lord makes it clear we should start our own Sunday morning services. Our Sunday nights have been pretty quiet, sometimes no one shows up, which is discouraging but we are praying for ways to reach more people.
5. For the people we are ministering to (the Russian church, the English club, youth on the streets, our Latvian friends). Pray for more people to hear the gospel, get saved and discipled and raised up for ministry.
6. For faithfulness in our relationship with supporters. For God to bless those who pray and/or financially support us from the Monterey Bay. For their faithfulness regardless of how often we communicate with them. Also on the other side of the coin, for us to communicate faithfully with them regardless of how much they support us. That all will serve as unto the Lord in view of the eternal rewards. This is important to keep in prayer, because it takes teamwork.

24 September 2007

Romans 1:1-17 Summary

We started studying Romans chapter by chapter with the Russian fellowship, and since this is such a revolutionary book, I thought I would share a 5 minute summary / devo for anyone who is interested in following along with us in the Word of God.

romans 1v1-17.wmv

Sveiki! Mani sauc Brentens Pauerss. Šī ir manis veidotā video sadaļa. Šobrīd es sāku mācīt Pāvila vēstuli romiešiem no Bībeles, pantu pēc panta, nodaļu pēc nodaļas. Man šķita, ka būtu noderīgi izveidot četras līdz piecas minūtes garu mācību un Dieva vārda apkopojumu.

1. nodaļa, 1. līdz 17. panti Pāvila vēstulē romiešiem. Mēs redzam, ka Pāvils iepazīstina ar sevi kā ar Jēzus Kristu kalpu, aicinātu apustuli, kas izredzēts sludināt Dieva evaņģēliju. Par to arī ir vēstule romiešiem – par evaņģēliju. Kad tu tam sāc ticēt, tas izmaina tavu dzīvi. Tu saņem taisnumu no Dieva, kas tevi Viņa priekšā attaisno. Tas tev sniedz spēju dzīvot pēc Dieva prāta un Dieva spēkā. Atslēgas pantā Romiešiem 1:16 ir teikts: „Jo es nekaunos Kristu evaņģēlija dēļ: tas ir Dieva spēks par pestīšanu ikvienam, kas tic, jūdam visupirms un arī grieķim.” Amerikānim un arī latvietim, krievam, baltkrievam, igaunim – lai kur tu dzīvotu. Evaņģēlijs ir Dieva vēsts, kas pestī. Tas tiešām ir mainījis arī manu dzīvi, kas es sāku saprast, ko nozīmē dzīvot ticībā. Ticība tevi ne tikai attaisno, Dievs tevi uzskata par taisnu pēc tavas ticības. Viņš tavu ticību uzskata par taisnumu. Bet tu arī dzīvo dienu pēc dienas ticībā. Dievs vēlas, lai mēs dzīvotu ne pēc acīmredzamā, bet pēc ticības. Kad es Viņam ticu, es tam ļauju būt par pamatu saviem lēmumiem, ko pieņemu. Pat šī video sadaļa – es ticu, ka Dievs vēlas, ka es to daru. Es ticu, ka tie vārdi, ko Viņš man ir devis, ir svarīgi ne tikai tiem cilvēkiem, kam es mācu svētdienu rītos; bet varbūt tu šobrīd esi Latvijā un meklē draudzi, kur mācītu Dieva vārdu. Mēs mācām Bībeli pantu pēc panta un cenšamies izprast to galveno nozīmi. Šeit 17. pantā vēstulē romiešiem Pāvils iepazīstina ar evaņģēliju. To Dievs mums apsolījis svētajos rakstos, tas var mūs mainīt, jo tas ir Dieva spēks. Tikai Dieva spēks mūs var mainīt. Vai tu esi mēģinājis mainīt savu dzīvi, bet rezultātā tikai nokritis atkal uz mutes bezcerībā? Kā mēs dzīvojam? Varbūt tu centies ievērot desmit baušļus, bet visu laiku klūpam kādā jomā. Bet Dievs mums ir devis Savu vārdu, lai mēs zinātu, kāpēc baušļi tika doti un kā mēs varam tikt attaisnoti. Es tev gribu pateikt tūlīt, ka tas nenotiek, pateicoties baušļiem. Tu netiksi attaisnots, ja ievērosi baušļus. Tevi attaisnos tikai ticība Jēzum Kristum. Un šī pati ticība ietekmēs tavu ikdienas dzīvi. Redzi, pirmajās vienpadsmit nodaļās Pāvils izskaidro teoloģisko mācību, kāpēc Dieva taisnums dots tiem, kas tic, un kas notiek ar tiem, kas netic. Un pēdējās četrās nodaļās 12. līdz 16. tiek runāts, kā praktiski dzīvot ticībā un arī Dieva spēkā. Tā ir labā evaņģēlija vēsts. Dievam ir vara mainīt tavu dzīvi un dot tev taisnumu, lai Viņš varētu tevi pieņemt un tu varētu dzīvot saskaņā ar Viņa aicinājumu. 7. pantā Pāvils raksta: „Visiem Dieva mīļotiem, aicinātiem Dieva svētajiem Romā: žēlastība jums un miers no Dieva, mūsu Tēva, un Kunga Jēzus Kristus!” Dievs tevi mīl! Tu vari būt Romā, Latvijā, Amerikā vai jebkur. Tu esi aicināts Dieva svētais, ja tu tici. Dievs vēlas tevi izredzēt Sev. Viņš tevi sauc pie Sevis. Viņš saka: „Novērsies no pasaules, nodali sevi no visa pasaulīgā, no miesas iekāres, no acu kārības un dzīves lepnības.” Pasaules labumi nebūs ilgi, bet, kas dara Dieva prātu, pastāvēs mūžīgi, Bībelē teikts. Dievs tevi sauc uz Savu valstību, Viņš aicina tevi pakļauties Viņa prātam, pieņemt Viņu par Kungu un Pestītāju jau šodien, un tu to patiešām nenožēlosi. Kas paļaujas uz To Kungu, nekritīs kaunā, Bībelē teikts. Un taisnie dzīvos ticībā.

09 September 2007

Residence permits recieved

We finally received our residency permits as religious workers. That means that we have the freedom to live and minister in Latvia for the next 12 months. We don't have to leave every 3 months like tourists do, and we can easily renew our permits next year. Praise the Lord for this answer to prayer. And thank you all my prayer warriors who have been praying for this to come together since our first exploratory trip to Latvia more than a year ago. Thank you also pastor Roger, Nate, Steve in Monterey for sending us, thanks to pastor Vadim and his church in Ogre that officially invited us and helped with completing the process. We look forward to more open doors for effective ministry! Stay tuned for more updates...
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01 September 2007

God answers prayer

  • Thank God for answering prayers in August
    for residence permits (visas) giving us freedom to live here and preach publicly,
    for continued ministry to the kids that were saved at VBS,
    for good turn out at our English club (an outreach),
    for progression in language acquisition,
    for a new computer,
  • For September, please pray:
    for Lena and I to have wisdom for raising our children....
    for our weekly ministries (English club, Evangelism, Discipleship of kids, Sunday Bible Studies and worship team...) that all our labors will be fruitful....
    for progress in church planting in this new season (freedom with residence permits yet challenges with the cold half of the year)....
    for Zane, our Latvian teacher, for God's will in her life, if she should join our ministry as a translator and worship leader.

27 August 2007

Sounds Like Latvia

This is a video produced by the Latvian institude to attract tourists or business people to Latvia, but it's pretty cool for people who have never been to get a feel for the diversity of society here. As you watch, please pray that God's word will be heard in Latvia and that it may be the sound that is heard from Latvia in the rest of the world too. Amen?

Reaching Latvia 1

This a video from our first trip to Latvia in July-August 2006.

06 August 2007

Prayer requests for August

  1. Please pray for religious residence permits - there were some problems with our documents which has delayed the process, but pray that our new documents will be received without problems so that we can continue in Latvia beyond August 18!
  2. for the 5 teenage boys that are coming to our home fellowship, they prayed to receive Christ at the VBS and are interested in following Him further! Praise God.
  3. for our new English Conversation Club - praise God that we got permission to hold the first meeting at the library this Tuesday, Pray for the many young people that we invited who said they would come. The purpose is to give them an opportunity to practice speaking and to hear us sharing our Christian world view on various topics.
  4. for our Latvian language skills - pray that God would help us to be diligent to study, remember and use the many new words and grammar from our lessons.
  5. for a new computer - my 5 year old laptop has been breaking down, it's in the shop now. We are asking the Lord to provide a fast desktop computer for multitasking and communication (photo/video editing, web design, tracts, newsletters, Internet calls, translating and other forms of communication)

25 July 2007

Vacation Bible School report

Just a quick note to say that vacation Bible school went well, I was the music guy which was the kids favorite part, my favorite part was the last day when they brought their parents and I shared my testimony and the gospel and about 10 kids and 2 parents turned to the Lord. Sunday night we had a handful of kids come to our home fellowship and we started to watch the Gospel of John movie and sing more songs of praise. I will be putting pictures on my blog, so check it out soon. God is working!

24 July 2007

Dosvidanya, Yeats

Yesterday, we said good bye to our co-laborers, Steven and Teresa Yeats, as they headed back to Moldova to resume their ministries in Briceni. We have been friends a long time, knowing Steven since Bible college in 1999 and Teresa since 2001 in Ukraine, we are sure to keep in touch as we continue serving the Lord either in Latvia or Moldova. We will certainly miss them and so will the church in Ogre that received ministry from them.

Their fellowship was a great blessing to our whole family as they lived with us for our first 2 and a half months in Latvia. Having been missionaries for 7 years, they were a source of deep insight and encouragement as well as a living example of serving as unto the Lord. Unlike Lena and I, they were not rusty in their speaking in Russian, and they were very handy to have around when I just couldn't find the words in Russian to express what God put on my heart to share.

Steven and I preached the gospel together on the streets weekly, he played the djembe as I led worship on the guitar, we took turns teaching at the Baptist church next door and we often discussed strategies and prayed about how to begin planting a new church in Latvia. During this time, Steven wrote a gospel tract and we had it translated into Latvian and Russian, which we are able to use as we continue spreading the Word.

Teresa and Lena had lots of fellowship together, shopped together, took turns making dinner for every one and helped look after each others kids. Life can be lonely for a missionary wife, but I think having another missionary/wife/mom/American/woman friend turned the mundane into fun and meaningful times.

We are praying for God to send us more co-laborers to come in the future, but for giving us a kick start into church planting, the giftings and fellowship of Steven and Teresa was a real God send. There is no one quite like them. We are thankful for their sacrifice (Latvia is a lot more expensive than Moldova) but they never complained and were never a burden, but were always a blessing to us and to all who they got to know, as I am sure they will continue to be to their church in Moldova. If you would like to support the Yeats, you can send a check to their sending church:

  • Calvary Chapel

  • P.O. Box 4794

  • Thousand Oaks, CA 91359

  • Please write “Missions” on memo, and attach a separate note specifying that’s it’s for the Yeats family.

20 July 2007

Vacation Bible School

This week we are having a VBS right in our front yard! We are working with a missions team from Tennessee and a team from Ogres Evangelical church from July 21 - July 30 in order to reach children and youth with the gospel.
  • Every day from 10-4 there will be an outreach for kids: Bible lessons, praise and worship, christian cartoons, crafts and activities, plus a free lunch.
  • 5pm The team of 10 people will have dinner at our house, rest a bit.
  • Every evening 7-10pm there will be a youth meeting also in our front yard

So we would appreciate your prayer for strength as we help host, cook, teach, translate, sing and build up the kingdom of God!

14 July 2007

Got a minute for missions?

Our home church CCMB has approved of the missions fellowship to show a one minute video on a different missionary each month. They asked me to make a one minute video (no longer) on what we are doing in Latvia, perhaps showing why the need is so great there that we moved our family. A tough assignment, but i am up for the challenge for the sake of the great commission! Here is my first attempt - sorry it is 40 seconds over!

in the square.wmv

Что приходит Вам на ум, когда Вы слышите имя Иисуса Христа?

Что приходит Вам на ум, когда Вы слышите имя Иисуса Христа?
Можно сказать, что почти каждый в нашей культуре слышал об Иисусе и имеет по крайней мере некоторое представление о его личности, его словах и его жизни. В зависимости от нашего воспитания, круга общения и жизненного опыта каждый из нас реагирует на имя Иисуса Христа определенным образом, либо положительно, либо отрицательно, либо безразлично. Его называли Сыном Бога, хорошим учителем, философом, пророком, социальным революционером, и даже мошенником. Не знаю, что сформировало ваше представление об Иисусе Христе, но я хотел бы пригласить Вас непредвзято взглянуть на то, что Иисус говорил о себе, и определить, соответствует ли ваше понимание с истиной.

Иисус сказал, что он - Христос, или Мессия, о котором пророчествовали в священных писаниях Ветхого Завета.
Греческое слово ‘Христос’ и еврейское слово ‘Мессия’ оба обозначают ‘Помазанник’ и относятся к великому царю и освободителю, пришествие которого было предсказано многим мужами веры от начала истории человечества. Написано, что этот Царь—наш Создатель, сам Бог, который будет жить среди нас, приняв человеческую плоть, родившись от девы и нося имя “Эммануил”, что означает ‘С нами Бог’. Этот Царь-Создатель придет, чтобы установить новое и вечное царство, судить зло и восстановить мир и справедливость на земле. Христос снимет проклятие, принесенное нашим грехом и гордыней, воссоединит падшего человека с его Богом и принесет большую радость людям всех племен, языков и народов. Иисус сказал, что этот Царь- Он сам.
* Иоанна 4:25-26 * Михей 5:2 * Исаия 7:14 * Даниил 7:13-14 *

Иисус сказал, что Он - Спаситель мира.
Написано, что всякий грех - беззаконие перед Богом, что каждый виновен в оскорблении Его, нарушив Его святой закон, и что справедливое наказание греха -- вечность в аду. Также написано, что Спаситель прийдёт, чтобы спасти нас от суда и вины нашего восстания против Бога и примирить грешников с Ним. Он удовлетворит требования правосудия Бога, унизив себя, чтобы пострадать и умереть на кресте как преступник, охотно беря на себя осуждение, предназначенное нам согласно Его закону, и жертвенно беря на Себя наказание за наши грехи. Удалив причину вражды между нами, справедливо судя и платя за преступления Его врагов, Спаситель объявит мир и призовет всех приблизиться к Богу. Он предлагает милосердие, прощение и вечную жизнь, дар Его благодати, вместо осуждения, гнева и ада, который все мы заслуживаем. Иисус сказал, что этот Спаситель - Он сам.
* Матфея 1:21 * Матфея 20:28 * Исаия 53:5-6 * Галатам 3:10, 13
* Римлянам 3:23-28 * Ефесянам 2:8-9, 13 * Колоссянам 1:21-22

Иисус сказал, что он воскреснет из мертвых.
Чтобы оправдать себя и тех, кто поверил в Него, написано, что Спаситель не только отдаст жизнь за грешников, но и воскреснет из мёртвых. Показав, что смерть не имеет никакой власти над ним, Он докажет, что Он есть Царь и Спаситель; что Он возвратится, и что власть и право судить и давать вечную жизнь принадлежат Ему. После того, как Он умер и был погребён, Он воскрес из мёртвых на третий день и явился своим апостолам, а затем и пяти сотням человек, многие из которых отдали свою жизнь за то, что проповедывали воскресение Иисуса. Само воскресение и свидетельство бесчисленных мучеников говорит о том, что Иисус жив и что Он—Царь всего человечества и Спаситель мира.
* Марка 9:30-31 * Римлянам 4:25 * Деяния 2:32-36 * Римлянам 1:4
* Деяния 17:30-31 * 1 Коринфянам 15:3-6 * Псалтирь 15:10

Сегодня Иисус призывает всех повсюду покаяться в грехе и гордыне и поверить в благую весть Его спасения.
Покаяние - это изменение нашего мышления и образа жизни. Это означает, что с Божьей помощью мы исповедуем наш грех и сознательно отвегнем eго, признаем нашу вину и потребность в милосердии и повернёмся к Богу в смирении и повиновении, подчинившись Его власти и признав Его Царем нашей жизни. Написано, что Бог гордым противится, а смиренным даёт благодать. Верить - это значит полностью доверять и полагаться на истинность и силу слов Иисуса и принимать Его жизнь, смерть и воскресение как достаточное и единственное основание нашего спасения, праведности и мира с Богом. Написано, что “если устами твоими будешь исповедовать Иисуса Господом и сердцем твоим веровать, что Бог воскресил Его из мёртвых, то спасёшься”.

* Марка 1:14-15 * Луки 24:46-47 * Исаия 55:6-7 * 1 Иоанна 1:9
* Иоанна 5:24 * 1 Иоанна 5:13 * Римлянам 10:9-13

Иисус предлагает настоящую надежду тем, кто приходит к Нему, в этой жизни и в будущей, но тех, кто отвергает Его, Бога и Спасителя, предостерегает об ужасных последствиях. Иисус умер на кресте, чтобы мы поверили в Его любовь: Он не желает, чтобы кто-либо погиб, но чтобы все мы жили с Ним вечно; знать такого прекрасного и любящего Спасителя и поклоняться и служить такому доброму и смиренному Царю --в этом заключается радость, мир, свобода и жизнь. Узнав, что говорил Иисус, как Вы ответите на Его жизнь, смерть и воскресение?
Мы искренно желаем, чтобы сердце Ваше не отвернулось от истины, но чтобы Вы увидели, как Вы нуждаетесь в Иисусе Христе, обратились к Нему и познали, что Бог - это самое драгоценное сокровище в вашей жизни.
* Римлянам 15:13 * Иоанна 3:36 * 2 Фесс. 1:6-10 * Римлянам 5:6-11
* 2 Петра 3:9 * Матфея 11:28-30 * Иоанна 6:35

07 July 2007

Kas, pēc tavām domām, ir Jēzus?

  • Par ko tu iedomājies, kad dzirdi vārdu "Jēzus Kristus"?
Droši varam teikt, ka vairums rietumu kultūras cilvēki ir dzirdējuši
vārdu "Jēzus" un viņiem ir savi iespaidi vai uzskati par Viņu, par
Viņa teikto un Viņa dzīves jēgu. Atkarībā no mūsu audzināšanas, no
cilvēkiem mums apkārt un no mūsu dzīves pieredzes, mēs katrs reaģējam,
dzirdot Jēzus vārdu – daži pozitīvi, citi negatīvi vai vienaldzīgi.
Daži Viņu sauc par Dieva Dēlu, labu skolotāju, filozofu, pravieti,
sociālrevolucionāru, un pat par viltnieku. Es nezinu, kas veidojis
tavu izpratni par Jēzu Kristu, bet es tevi gribētu uzaicināt parunāt
par to, ko Jēzus pats par Sevi ir teicis un pārdomāt, vai tava
izpratne saskan ar patiesību.

  • Jēzus sacīja, ka Viņš ir Kristus jeb Mesija, par ko tika pravietots Vecajā derībā.
Vārdi "Kristus" no grieķu valodas un "Mesija" no ebreju valodas abi
nozīmē "Svaidītais" un tiek lietoti, runājot par Ķēniņu un Pestītāju,
par kura atnākšanu Dieva cilvēki ir runājuši kopš cilvēces vēstures
sākuma. Ir rakstīts, ka šis Ķēniņš būs mūsu Radītājs, pats Dievs, kas
dzīvos mūsu vidū cilvēka miesā, piedzims no jaunavas Marijas, un Viņu
sauks Imanuēls, kas nozīmē "Dievs ar mums". Radītājs – Ķēniņš nāks,
lai izveidotu jaunu un mūžīgu valstību, tiesātu ļauno un atjaunotu
mieru un taisnību uz zemes, nesot lielu prieku visām ciltīm un tautām.
Jēzus teica, ka Viņš ir šis Ķēniņš.
* Jāņa 4:25-26* Mihas 5:2* Jesajas 7:14* Daniēla 7:13-14

  • Jēzus teica, ka Viņš ir pasaules Pestītājs.
Ir rakstīts, ka Pestītājs mūs glābs no mūsu lāsta un vainas par
sacelšanos pret Dievu un ļaus grēciniekiem saņemt mieru Viņā. Viņš
apmierinās Dieva prasības pēc taisnības, pats Sevi pazeminādams,
cietīs un mirs pie krusta kā noziedznieks, Sevi no brīvas gribas atdos
mūsu vietā tiesāšanai un upurēsies, samaksādams cenu par mūsu grēkiem.
Kad Viņš mūsu savstarpējā naida iemeslus būs iznīcinājis, tiesādams
taisnīgi un pats maksādams par Savu ienaidnieku grēkiem, tad Pestītājs
pasludinās mieru un aicinās visus cilvēkus pie Dieva, dāvādams
žēlastību, piedošanu un mūžīgo dzīvību kā Viņa žēlastības dāvanu,
nevis tiesās, dusmosies un metīs mūs ellē pēc mūsu nopelniem. Jēzus
teica, ka Viņš ir šis Pestītājs.
* Mateja 1:21* Mateja 20:28* Jesajas 53:5-6* Galatiešiem 3:10-13*
Romiešiem 3:23-28* Efeziešiem 2:8-13* Kolosiešiem 1:21-22

  • Jēzus teica, ka Viņš augšāmcelsies no miroņiem.
Lai apklusinātu Savus ienaidniekus un kritiķus, Pestītājs augšāmcēlās
no mirušajiem, lai attaisnotu gan Sevi, gan tos, kas Viņam ticējuši.
Rādot, ka nāvei nav varas pāŗ Viņu, Viņš pierādīja, ka ir gan Kungs,
gan Pestītājs, ka Viņš nāks atkal un ka visa vara un tiesības tiesāt
un dot mūžīgo dzīvību pieder Viņam. Pēc nāves un apglabāšanas trešajā
dienā Viņš augšāmcēlās, Viņu redzēja apustuļi un vēlāk vairāk kā 500
vīru vienā reizē, no kuriem daudzi pēcāk zaudēja dzīvības, jo
sludināja Jēzus augšāmcelšanās realitāti. Pati augšāmcelšanās un
neskaitāmo martīru liecības saka, ka Jēzus ir dzīvs un ka Viņš ir
Ķēniņš pār visu un pasaules Pestītājs.
* Marka 9:30-31 * Romiešiem 4:25 * Apustuļu darbi 2:32-36 * Romiešiem
1:4 * Apustuļu darbi 17:30-31 * 1. Korintiešiem 15:3-6

  • Šodien Jēzus aicina visus cilvēkus nožēlot savu sacelšanos un sākt ticēt labajai pestīšanas vēstij.
Nožēlot grēkus nozīmē mainīt savu domāšanu un dzīvesveidu. Tas nozīmē
mums ar Dieva apsolīto palīdzību atzīties grēkos un novērsties no
apzinātas sacelšanās, apzināties savu vainu un vajadzību pēc
žēlastības un pievērsties Dievam pazemībā un paklausībā, pakļaujoties
Viņa autoritātei kā mūsu dzīves Kungam. Ir rakstīts, ka Dievs neskatās
uz lepnajiem, bet dod žēlastību pazemīgajiem. Ticēt nozīmē pilnībā
uzticēties un paļauties uz Jēzus teiktā patiesumu un to, ka Viņa
paveiktais priekš mums ir pietiekams, lai mēs iegūtu pestīšanu un
mieru Dievā. Ir rakstīts: "Ja tu ar savu muti apliecināsi Jēzu par
Kungu un savā sirdī ticēsi, ka Dievs Viņu ir uzmodinājis no miroņiem,
tu tiksi izglābts."
* Marka 1:14-15 * Lūkas 24:46-47 * Jesajas 55:6-7 * 1. Jāņa 1:9 * Jāņa
5:24 * 1. Jāņa 5:13 * Romiešiem 10:9-13

  • Tiem, kas nāks pie Viņa kā pie Kunga un Pestītāja, Jēzus dāvā dziļu un mierinošu cerību gan šai dzīvei, gan tai, kas nāks pēc tam.
Jēzus nāve uz krusta ir liecība tev par Viņa mīlestību un vēlmi, lai
tu nepazustu, bet dzīvotu mūžībā ar Viņu; ir prieks, miers, brīvība un
dzīvība pazīt tik brīnišķīgu, mīlošu Pestītāju un pielūgt un kalpot
tik labam, pazemīgam Kungam. Bet kas Viņu atraida, tie atbildēs paši
par saviem grēkiem tiesas dienā. Mana patiesā vēlēšanās ir, lai tu
saskatītu, ka Jēzus Kristus tev šobrīd ir visvairāk nepieciešams, un
lai tu Viņam pievērstos un atklātu, ka Dievs pats ir vislielākais
dārgums, kas kādam var piederēt.
* Romiešiem 15:13 * Jāņa 3:36 * 2. Tesaloniķiešiem 1:6-10 * Romiešiem
5:6-11 * 2. Pētera 3:9 * Mateja 11:28-30 * Jāņa 6:35

03 July 2007

Who do you say Jesus is?

What comes to mind when you hear the name Jesus Christ?
It's safe to say that most people in western culture have heard the name Jesus and have at least some impression or thoughts about who he is, what he said, and why he lived. Depending on the way we have been raised, the people we know, and our experiences in life, we each respond to the name Jesus Christ in some way, whether positively, negatively, or indifferently. Some have called him the Son of God, a good teacher, philosopher, prophet, social revolutionary, and even a fraud. I don't know what has shaped your understanding about Jesus Christ, but I would like to invite you to honestly consider what Jesus has said about himself, and determine whether your understanding is consistent with the truth.

Jesus said that he is the Christ or Messiah that was prophesied about in the Old Testament scriptures. The Greek word 'Christ' and the Hebrew word 'Messiah' both mean 'Anointed one' and refer to a great king and deliverer about whose coming men of God had spoken since the beginning of human history. It's written that this King would be our Creator, God Himself, who would dwell amongst us by taking on human flesh, being born of a virgin and called “Immanuel” which means 'God with us'. This Creator-King would come to establish a new and eternal kingdom, judge evil and restore peace and righteousness to the earth, bringing great joy to the people of every tribe, tongue and nation. Jesus said He is that King.* John 4:25-26, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Daniel 7:13-14

Jesus said that He is the SaviorOf the world. It's written that the Savior would rescue us from the condemnation and guilt of our rebellion against God and provide a way for sinners be reconciled to Him. He would satisfy the demands of God's justice by humbling Himself to suffer and die on the cross as a criminal, willingly standing in our place of judgment under His law and sacrificially taking upon Himself the penalty of our sins. Having removed the cause of enmity between us by righteously judging and paying for the crimes of His enemies, the Savior would declare peace and call all men to draw near to God, offering mercy, forgiveness and eternal life as a gift of His grace, instead of the judgment, wrath and hell we all deserve. Jesus said He is that Savior.
* Matthew 1:21, Matthew 20:28, Isaiah 53:5-6, Galatians 3:10-13, Romans 3:23-28, Ephesians 2:8-13, Colossians 1:21-22

Jesus said that he would rise From the dead. In order to silence His enemies and critics, the Savior would rise from the dead to justify both Himself and those who have believed in Him. He would prove, by showing that death had no power over him, that He is both Lord and Savior; that He will return again and that the power and right to judge and give eternal life belong to him. After he was dead and buried, on the 3rd day he rose from the dead and was seen by his apostles and then by more than 500 men at one time, many of whom, for proclaiming the reality of Jesus' resurrection would later lose their lives. The resurrection itself and the testimony of countless martyrs say that Jesus is alive and that He is in fact Lord over all and Savior of the world.
* Mark 9:30-31 * Romans 4:25 * Acts 2:32-36 * Romans 1:4 * Acts 17:30-31 * 1 Corinthians 15:3-6

Jesus today is calling all men to repent of their rebellion and to believe the good news of salvation. To repent means to literally change our thinking and way of life. It means with God's promised help we confess and actively turn away from our conscious rebellion, acknowledge our guilt and need for mercy, and turn to God in humility and obedience, submitting to His authority over us as King of our lives. It's written that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. To believe means to fully trust and rely on the truthfulness of what Jesus has said and the sufficiency of what he has done for us as the sole basis for our salvation and peace with God. It is written “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (repentance), and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”.
* Mark 1:14-15 * Luke 24:46-47 * Isaiah 55:6-7 * 1 John 1:9 * John 5:24 * 1 John 5:13 * Romans 10:9-13

To those who would come to him as Lord and Savior, Jesus offers deep and satisfying hope, both in this life and the one to come. Jesus' death on the cross was intended to convince you of His love and desire that you would not perish, but live forever with Him; that it is joy, peace, freedom and life to know such a beautiful and loving Savior and to worship and serve such a good and humble King. But those who reject Him will be held responsible for their sin on the day of judgement. My sincere desire is that you would see that Jesus Christ Himself is your greatest need today and that you would turn to Him and find that God Himself is the greatest and most satisfying Treasure you could ever possess.* Romans 15:13 * John 3:36 * 2 Thess. 1:6-10 * Romans 5:6-11 * 2 Peter 3:9 * Matthew 11:28-30 * John 6:35
Written by pastor Steven Yeats, missionary in Moldova

29 June 2007

You are invited! Tu esi ielūgts!

Tu esi ielūgts!
uz Angļu - Latviešu Bībeles Stundām
Kopā ar Amerikas Misionāriem
Katru svētdienu - 18:30
Ogrē, Brīvības ielā 30
Vairāk Informācijas atradīsi:
· 2 780 3318
„Jo mēs nesludinām paši sevi, bet Kristu Jēzu, To Kungu,
mēs paši esam jūsu kalpi, Jēzus sūtīti.”
2. Kointiešiem 4:5
You are invited to an English and Latvian Bible Study with American missionaries.
Every Sunday at 8:00 pm. Contact us for more information 2 780 3318
"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;
and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.' 2 Corinthians 4:5

New Prayer requests for July

For those of you who are committed to praying for us monthly or even daily, Thank you! Here are some new prayer requestes:
  • For fruitfulness in all of our weekly activities especially Friday evangelism, Sunday Bible studies, Latvian language lessons (mon, wed, fri), Monday night prayer, Thursday fellowship, etc.
  • For our family and our continued blessing and balance with ministry. Our wedding anniversary is 7/1/07, Lena's Birthday is 7/16/07.
  • 7/7/07 wedding of Elina and Vadislav. This couple is from the Baptist church that we are helping at. Elina sings with me on the worship team, she is the one who is looking to my wife for wise counsel and she may be translating for me in September. Pray for a blessed Christian wedding and for us to be godly encouragement to them in their marriage.
  • 7/8/07 Seminar on Evangelism for churches in Ogre. i have been asked by the Evangelical aliance be a speaker along with pastor Rufus (a missionary from Africa) to teach and equip believers from various churches who are interested reaching their city with the gospel. The goal is to show how evangelism is more of a lifestyle than a once a year program. Pray for my teaching in Russian. Pray for a good turn out and that God's word will be received and put into practice for the sake of the gospel.
  • For preparations for the annual Bible Reading Marathon 8/4-8/7/07. For four days evangelicals team up to read the whole New Testament and Psalms in the central square. Pray for wisdom as churches are seeking to work together to proclaim the word of God in Ogre.
  • 7/20/07 A missions team from America is coming to help us do VBS outside our house for the kids who are out on the streets while their parents work. Pray for kids to come to Christ and for us to be gracious hosts.
  • 7/23/07 Steven and Teresa leave for Moldova. Pray that the remainder of their time with us and their church in Moldova to be blessed when they return. I will be street witnessing with Steven as much as possible while we have the chance.

28 June 2007

Praise God for answered prayer

Praise God for sending more missionaries for the summer. God brought another missionary family to help us as we begin, Steven and Teresa Yeats, who were on our missionary team in Ukraine a few years ago. Now Steve is a pastor in Moldova but they had to be out of that country for 3 months because of Visa problems. So we are blessed to have their fellowship and help in the ministry from May through July.

Praise God for our Christian Latvian language teacher. We have started taking lessons 3 times a week for an hour and a half each. We hope to eventually become fluent because Latvian is the language that the majority of people speak because it is the national language. Learning it gives us credibility and a wider audience in this country. Our teacher is also a worship leader too, so she is teaching me some cool Latvian songs as well as Bible vocabulary.

Praise God for leading us in effective street witnessing. We started sharing the gospel on the streets every Friday night. We started preaching n Russian but one night God led us to use English and we found more Latvians were interested in speaking with us. Perhaps this is because it is the required second language in school, for a third language they can choose German or Russian. This is a great opportunity for the gospel and blessing for us especially since most young Latvians can speak well and they like to practice speaking English. We also hope to start an English speaking club at the library soon as another way of building relationships.

Praise God for the fellowship that is starting in our home. Our vision is to start a Calvary fellowship by inviting people to our home Bible study. The last 3 Sunday nights God has brought people to minister to. The first week 7 young men who we met when street witnessing. They were unbelievers but asked great questions were interested in hearing our testimonies. The second week 2 young women from the Russian Baptist church came to fellowship with us. And last week the Lord added a believer who can translate from English into Latvian so we can now invite more Latvians.

21 June 2007

Hurdles for Missionaries: Residence Permits

Today is the day we have been preparing for for the last year. The sun rose sometime around 3 am, so by the time we got up at 8 the sun was blaring straight through the windows and into our eyes. We were motivated to get to the Latvian Embassy in Tallinn and I am glad we were early because there was already a line forming outside. It is hard to get a residence permit to live in Latvia, especially as missionaries because of all the documents that are required for each person in the family. For those of you who want to be long-term missionaries in Latvia, here's a list of all the documents you need (some of which had to be reissued, notarized and then authenticated in Sacramento or Washington DC with an international seal known as the "Apostille")

  1. Completed applications for each member of the family (10 pages each).

  2. Marriage certificate (with Apostille).

  3. Children's birth certificates (with Apostille).

  4. My certificate of ordination as missions pastor (with Apostille).

  5. A letter that we are sent by Calvary Chapel (with Apostille).

  6. A letter that we are invited by a church in Latvia.

  7. A copy of the Latvian church's registration certificate.

  8. A rental agreement for 1 year proving we have a place to live in Latvia.

  9. A letter from a Latvian Bank that we have $8700 of support minimum in our account.

  10. Letters from a Radiologist that took our X-rays verifying we don't have tuberculosis.

  11. Color copies of our passports and Apostille documents so we could get the originals back.

Praise the Lord that our documents were received without any problem, so within 30 days we should receive our official permits to freely live, evangelize, make disciples, and plant churches in Latvia. This is the culmination of a year of preparation, 2 short term mission trips, relationship building, a lot of diligence, and investing of personal and donated money, but the fruit of the long term ministry that is beginning will abound to all our accounts for eternity. As one missionary said to us back in February 2006, "There are a number of hurdles to jump to get religious work residency permits in Latvia... there are some challenges, but they are not impossible ones."

20 June 2007

Trip to Tallinn, Estonia

We are in Estonia for a couple days to apply for residence permits at the Latvian embassy. This trip is essential to our mission because we had to apply outside of Latvia before our visa free time is up. We had all the documents ready and we were excited to see the capitol of Estonia: Tallinn!

We drove up yesterday with the Yeats family in a borrowed minivan to Tallinn, a 5 hour trip. With the exception of a tired, crying kids and some crazy drivers, the trip went smooth, especially on the newly paved highway that ran North through the forest and along the Baltic coast. Steven drove and I navigated our way to the apartment I reserved online. Last night, after we got our kids settled in bed, I walked around scouting for the Latvian embassy and found their hours for visa issues were only 10am to 12 noon. Then I walked up to the top of the hill where the old town is. It looks like you stepped back in time 6 hundred years to explore narrow cobble stone streets and quaint buildings overshadowed by majestic cathedrals. Then I found probably the best view over the city and took pictures until the sun set around 11 PM - so late because of the summer solstice and because Estonia is so far north.

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