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05 January 2008

Praise and Prayer for January

  1. Answer to prayer: God has opened doors to start a Bible study in the city of Ikskile, there is a group that has been praying for a church and it seems like God is confirming the vision to plant a Calvary Chapel with them.
  2. Pray for a smooth transition in 2008 from assisting Ogre's Evangelical Russian church to the new church plant in Ikskile (if this is indeed God's will and timing).
  3. Pray for safe driving from city to city in the winter time (Latvia has the 2nd most deadly roads in Europe)
  4. Pray that our van would continue to operate well in freezing conditions (we couldn't open the doors today).
  5. Continue to pray for the formation of a team from CCMB to help us in evangelism and church planting in the summer or fall.


  1. Hello, we were thrilled to see Latvia being targed for missions. We have been hosting a latvian orphan for 5 weeks now. When she came to us, she had never heard of Jesus. We have loved her and cared for her and are facing Friday with saddness when she has to return.

    The reason I am contacting you is to see if you have thought about using some "unlikely" assistants in your church planting operations?

    As you know Latvia is full of orphanages. When these children turn 16-18years they are forced to leave. The statistics are not good. 70% of boys end up in jail. 40% of girls end up in prostitution and 15% of them take their own lives within the first 2 years of being on the streets. So you can understand why we are concerned about Sylvia's future.

    We have witnessed the group Sylvia came with at numerous functions and found it heartwarming to see the older ones caring for the younger ones. (which is no surprise) Sylvia has a heart for children and has fit into the "big sister" role quiet well in our family with my 4 younger children. She has even communicated that someday she'd like to have her own children's home....

    I'm sure you will need "nursery helpers, craft organizers, interpreters, puppeteers....or just some older kids to help corral the younger ones from room to room.....Maybe you'd find some willing and able assistants from the nearby orphanages.

    I know the orphanage directors do care about these children and would be willing to sit down with you to help target some "church planter assistants" from their homes.

    It just may become a two-fold ministry right under your nose, if you were to recruit some orphans in need of having a purpose and hope. Even if it's just one night a week where they can feel needed and help. Above all, you'd be sharing Christ with them as they help you.....

    Just a thought I wanted to share.

    God bless you and I will be praying for you as you start this awesome task.

    Tracy C.
    Atlanta GA

  2. Hi, I'm a college student at NDSU in Fargo, ND. I am just curious as to how you got started in missions. I am considering missions after college.

  3. Hi norm, I got started in Missions while in Bible College. I went to Calvary Chapel Bible College to grow in the Word of God but I had no desire to be a missionary because I didn't think I could handle the foreign atmosphere or trials such as snow! (: But my first year at CCMB I learned about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I began to experience His power changing me into a witness for Jesus Christ as promised in Acts 1:8. He began dealing with my fears called me to be willing to leave my comfort zone while studying the Bible. So my third semester I went to CCBC at the European campas (at that time it was in Austria, but now it's in Hungary. The Pastors/teachers were missionaries and helped prepare me for my calling as God clarified what it was in my heart. Then I served for a summer in Germany helping a small church in any way I could: cleaning, playing drums, writing a tract, evangelizing. Through this time God transformed me and enabled me and gave me a burden for the lost. I didn't see many people get saved but I did experience his power to be a witness and sow seeds. My responsibility is to sow faithfully, It is up to Him to make it grow. After I graduated from Bible College the Lord led me back to my home church, Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay, even though I thought I was ready to go out in ministry somewhere, He knew I needed to be sent out from a home base. So I served faithfully at home, got married and continued praying for a clear calling on where to go. After a year and a half God called us to Ukraine, we raised support and then joined some friends from Bible college to help them plant a church in Nizhyn, Ukraine and I grew in my leadership giftings. After 3 years the Lord gave me a vision, showing me it was time to return to our home church, minister to them and prepare for another mission field. During the next 2 years I worked a secular job, and in my free time served the church and led a home fellowship. I could go on about how we build relationships with new people at home and how we were called to Latvia, but to keep your answer short, I got started in missions by God's spirit, calling, preparition, the Word, and being sent from my home church. I would recommend A short term mission before a long one, to get a reality check so you know if you are called. BIble College was helpful but God can prepare you while serving at your local church too. Be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) and let Him lead you. He knows what is best for us and how best to use us. God bless you.


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