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12 March 2007

Healing in Liepaja

So, Sunday.... I was feeling so terribly sick before the service that I almost vomited again but it was just dry heaving because all I had to eat Saturday was water, airborn, a power bar and pepto bismol. I had to lay down until an hour before service, then I forced myself to get up and get dressed, shave, eat a bowl of cereal, more airborn, and more peptobismol and 2 childrens Ibroprofen. I told Sergej and his family to pray because I had a terrible headache too and I didn't feel like talking and could hardly carry on a conversation with his kids. You can imagine it's hard enough being emerced in Russian speaking home with a bunch of talkative boys and one screaming 1.5 year old and then feeling sick and knowing I am going to preach in Russian was a lot of pressure to be under. Anyway I went to church by faith, and felt like Job who decided to praise the Lord inspite of how he was feeling even if God didn't heal him. During the worship that Sergej led, I had to sit every other song. Then his deacons got up and shared about the Baptist conference they had just been at with Sergej, I got up to go to the bathroom 2x while they were sharing for 15 minutes each. Then it was my turn, Sergej introduced me and thanked me for coming from so far away and teaching in Russian even while sick and he had the church stretch out their hands torward me and pray for me. So I sang a couple songs and began teaching a similar message as I tought in Ogre and with out realizing it, by the end of the service I felt all better. So after the Sergejs closing prayer, I shouted out, One more thing, I feel 100% better. God has healed me! Sergej said, Are you sure? and His wife Olga looked at me in disbelief because they saw how bad I was feeling before. I said, yes! Let's eat! So we all rejoiced over chai and bulichki. Then we went back to his house and ate chicken and spagetti. I haven't felt sick in my stomach since and my head was fine too.

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