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03 March 2007

In Ogre, Latvia

It hardly seems real that i am here in Latvia. It kind of feels like Ukraine because of the weather, The weather is above freezing during the day. and there are piles of snow on the sides of the brown slushy roads. Many trees look dead but in Ogre (where I'm staying for 5 days and praying about moving to) there are pine trees that stay green through the winter. Ogre used to be a sanatorium for people with illnesses to get fresh air. tomorrow we are going to see the river and more of the city. You can learn more about Ogre at

Its Saturday night. I'm writing from pastor Vadims office and have the apartment in the other half of the building as living quarters. So far we just dropped off my stuff and when out to dinner and got some groceries for me and then I took a 2 hour nap. We have only spoken Russian since he picked me up at the airport. He asked me to teach tomorrow for 30 minutes in Russian and play 2 or 3 songs! I told him I'm not ready to teach that long in Russian but he said he will help me translate when I get stuck! Pray pray pray. the service is at 4pm so I will prepare in the morning. pray that i can get some studing done and that communication is clear. God has been speaking to be about strengthening the church that I am visiting as Paul the apostle strengthened the churches withe the Word of God on his second missionary journey in Acts 16-20.

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